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Chewy Coconut Cranberry Granola Bars {Kids Cook Monday}

Chewy Coconut Cranberry Oatmeal Bars combine healthy oats, dried cranberries and coconut to create a chewy treat that the kids will love and be able to help you make in the kitchen.

Chewy Coconut Cranberry Oatmeal Bars

Today I am excited to be teaming up with Kids Cook Monday initiative.


The Kids Cook Monday initiative encourages families to set aside the first night of every week for cooking and eating together as a family. Getting kids involved in the kitchen not only is a great bonding experience for everyone involved but teaches children valuable lessons about teamwork, food, eating, health, math (don’t forget all of that measuring you do), and cooking. Kids don’t have to be older to help you in the kitchen (Will is only 2).  You can find even the smallest things that they can help with and they will be excited.  When Will gets to push a button on a food processor or put a piece of toast into the toaster it is a great day in his book! I make him my “kitchen assistant” and he really enjoys helping me (within limits of course).

Will mixing

Once you cook the meal with your children you can then sit down as a family to enjoy the fruit of your labor! I love the following statistics that Kids Cook Monday includes on their website.  I think it helps show that the evidence links family dinners to healthier life choices:

  • Kids who eat family dinners get better grades in school, develop communication schools and are less likely to try drugs.
  • Women who cook regularly consume a more nutritious diet than those who ate out often.
  • Kids who eat dinner with their family regularly were less likely to be obese.

While today’s recipe for Chewy Coconut Cranberry Oatmeal Bars isn’t for dinner it is a great recipe to get your kids involved in. Will is two years old so he can’t do things like chopping, or measuring but he can help put things into the bowl, mix, and observe me measuring and chopping.  As children get older their roles can change and they can begin to become more involved in the cooking process.

Chewy Coconut Cranberry Oatmeal bars

As a child I always helped my Mom cook—whether it was waffles, pancakes, meatballs, chicken noodle soup, muffins, cookies, I was there to lend a helping hand.  I believe that part of my love for cooking and healthy food came from these experiences with my Mom.

Chewy Coconut Cranberry Oatmeal Bars

Ways your child can help with this recipe (these are just suggestions and depend on your child’s development and capability of helping):

Young children (under 5 years old)

  • Help measure ingredients like dried cranberries
  • Stirring or whisking ingredients
  • Sprinkling coconut on top of granola bars.
  • Help with clean up: using a rag to wash the counter, help rinse utensils.

 Older children (older children can do most of the recipe with adult supervision):

  • Read the recipe and then ask the child to repeat what step comes first to challenge their listening and memory skills
  • Cracking and separating eggs
  • Measure ingredients
  • Using the electric mixer (with adult supervision)

Recipe slightly adapted from the Cooking Light Kid-Approved Cookbook {See below}

There are affiliate links in this post.  Any money made from my partnership with Amazon goes back into A Cedar Spoon.  Thanks for your support!

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Friday 24th of March 2023

I would like to make the granola bars but would like to know the nutritional content to each recipe please


Friday 24th of March 2023

So sorry but I don't provide that yet but I hope soon.

Shelley @ Two Healthy Kitchens

Thursday 9th of January 2014

Oh, Julia! This is just wonderful - for so many reasons! Gretchen and I have spoken on the topic of helping kiddos be better (less picky!) eaters and ran a whole series of posts on it - and one of the biggest themes throughout is getting kids involved in meal planning, shopping, cooking ... and then as a family at the table. This is an issue that's very near and dear to our hearts, and just so very important! Huge high-five to you on your excellent suggestions! I love, love this recipe, and all of the kid-friendly tips! Truly a fantastic post, my friend! So excited to share this! :D


Thursday 9th of January 2014

Thanks Shelley! My goal in 2014 is to more posts like this and involve my son more and more. I did my Masters project in grad school on Farm to School Programs in schools and how it helps fight childhood obesity to teach kids where their food comes from and what is healthy for them. It is also very near and dear to my heart. Glad to hear you guys are passionate about it too!

Stephie @ EYHO

Monday 6th of January 2014

I loved helping my momma in the kitchen! I was a great "stirrer" ;-)

These granola bars look fantastic. I think I might have to make some to pack in my own lunch box here soon!


Monday 6th of January 2014

Thanks Stephie!! Yes, you are going to need to pack them for your new job?! So exciting!

Nicole, RD

Monday 6th of January 2014

PINNED! These look amazing!!! And your little guy is too, too cute!


Monday 6th of January 2014

Thanks Nicole! They are delicious!

Anna @ Garnish with Lemon

Monday 6th of January 2014

My kids love granola bars, and they need an activity to stop them from climbing the walls without school today. Perfect inspiration!


Monday 6th of January 2014

I can only imagine how crazy the kids get after two weeks off and then a snow day! :) Good luck!

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