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Green Smoothie

Start your day off right with this delicious and healthy Green Smoothie recipe!

Good Morning! My mind is still foggy from our trip to Europe and I think the jet lag has seriously set in.  Where is the Italian espresso when you need it!? But I think I am slowly but surely being thrown back into the swing of things.  Sorry for the lack of recipes!

I have so many pictures to share from our time in Germany, Switzerland and Italy but am still trying to wrap my head around the trip, my favorite spots and pictures.  Stay tuned!

All I can say is that I ate more pasta, drank more wine and saw more breathtaking views than I have in all of my 31 years (ok, maybe not the wine  part-but it was darn good wine).  I can’t wait to share the experience with you all.  Coming home was bittersweet. Leaving an amazing place like Europe and coming back to reality is always hard but seeing my son after 11 days was the best feeling ever. I knew I would miss him but never thought it would be as hard as it was. Needless to say the trip was more than I imagined and the food in Italy was by far the best I have EVER eaten!

Green Smoothie recipe

Green Smoothie

Now onto less exciting things but equally tasty. Green smoothies. Something that a lot of us make after a vacation of constant eating and drinking. Or maybe something we use as part of our New Years resolution to be a healthier person? Whatever the reason, green smoothies are a great way to drink up a whole lot of healthy goodness. You better believe that after all of the pasta, tiramisu and gelato I ate there have been a lot of green smoothies in my blender.

Green Smoothie pic

An added bonus is my toddler slurps these drinks up like they are candy. We are teaching him to “share” and when I make these smoothies the minute I take a sip I hear his little voice say “share” as he reaches for the smoothie! 🙂

Green Smoothie bubbles


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green smoothie recipes

Saturday 13th of July 2013

This is a really nice way to get a lift after a walk or exercise, my partner whipped up a couple after our sunday ride and we both enjoyed them plus this smoothie is healthy, what more can you ask :)


Sunday 14th of July 2013

I agree!

Stephie @ Eat Your Heart Out

Thursday 16th of May 2013

Haha, cracks me up that the nugget tells you to share your green smoothie. :-)


Friday 17th of May 2013

Ha I know..sharing in his mind means he gets it all! :) Oh the mind of a baby!

Kelli @ The Corenr Kitchen

Thursday 16th of May 2013

Love, love, love green smoothies!! Looking forward to trying this one & can't wait to hear more about your trip!!!


Thursday 16th of May 2013

Me too! And, thanks! I can't wait to share as soon as I get through this jet lag and sort through my millions of pictures!

Maureen | Orgasmic Chef

Thursday 16th of May 2013

If I had one of these every morning I know I'd be a better person. :)


Thursday 16th of May 2013

Me too! :) I need to start doing smoothies daily.


Thursday 16th of May 2013

Thank you Julia and welcome back. Glad you had a great trip.


Thursday 16th of May 2013

Thanks Liz!

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