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20 Dinner Recipes to Make with Canned Beans

Many of us keep beans in our pantry and they are a great ingredient to add to dinners for your family. You can add beans to recipes to increase protein and create a healthy meals. Check out these 20 Dinner Recipes to Make with Canned Beans for your family! 

20 Dinner Recipes to Make with Beans collage


If you are hunkered down in your house right now today’s 20 Recipes to Make with Canned Beans is a round-up of recipes you might want to check out! I am sharing a collection of 20 recipes that you can make using beans in your pantry.

Beans are such a versatile ingredient to have on hand to use in dips like humus, salads like this Mediterranean Bean Salad, a soup like this White Bean Soup and Ham, to this One Pot Kale Broccoli Chickpea Pasta.

Hopefully you find a few recipes using beans that interest you and can help you make a quick and easy meal for you or your family! 

20 Dinner Recipes to Make with Canned Beans

Many of us keep beans in our pantry and they are a great ingredient to add to dinners for your family. You can add beans to recipes to increase protein and create a healthy meals. Check out these 20 Recipes to Make with Canned Beans for your family! 

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Easy Chickpea Soup - A Cedar Spoon

Monday 23rd of March 2020

[…] pantry along with fresh ingredients from my fridge. You might have seen my post the other day for 20 Dinner Recipes Using Beans. Beans are such a versatile ingredient that can add protein to any […]

Kit White

Sunday 22nd of March 2020

Your recipe link for the SMOKED SAUSAGE PASTA W/ WHITE BEANS, SPINACH, AND TOASTED PINE NUTS seems to be mixed up with a sign up for your newsletter. Can you fix that, please?


Sunday 22nd of March 2020

That is strange. Do when you click on that link it takes you to a newsletter sign up? It looks normal to me...try this link: Does it still do it?